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[CREATE IT] Importance of Early Childhood Education

بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم


There are some points which very critical and vital to recognized by parents and educators about importance of early childhood education. If these points known by them, they’ll realize that establishment of children’s skill and ability start in early childhood. It’s because brain in early childhood takes what environment offers. This is an opportunity to create proper environment as preparation of children education. Also, this fact show the truth that children absorb everything what they hear and see like sponge, therefore early education is essential. The education given in early childhood shapes foundation of the whole life and helps mental and academic development of child.
Research and study on brain development shows how closely they connect to development of emotional, physical, and social capability which should be developed in early ages because it would be affect to child’s learning potentials. Creating proper environment can be the beginning step to stimulate it because brain takes what environment offers and there is prime time that brain absorbs new information like sponge especially in the first three years of life (Bouchard & Gilles, 2011).
Skill and ability which could be encourage and develope by effective curriculum and education from early childhood are such as language and vocabulary. This is according to early childhood education research journal which tell that most capacity of language skill of learning vocabulary, which is a foundation for literacy, develops by ages of three (Bouchard & Gilles, 2011).
Development in early childhood does not only affect to academic and physical activities, but also involves relationship with other people, emotional, and cognitive development. Children actually start to realize their identity in first eight years. These are consists of develop of inner capacity of imagination and self-image of gender roles. Like sponge, in that age they learn how to associate with friends and start to look people around them. That’s why parents and educators ought to have attention on this problem because children will absorb new information, learn social skills, what they hear and what they see for develop their own values.
Also, development in early ages, is not only education, but rather child-directed play and interacting with them is most important education (Webster-Stratton & Reid, 2010). There are two ways, first is child-directed play, that lets children to play what they want to do and express feeling, second is adult-directed, that parent or educator specifically asks to how they should play. Experiment which conducted by Webster-Stratton and Reid show that child-directed play enable to establish ego and practice how to express and control.

Parents and educators should understand that children also have own thinking and proper education based on care and attachment is potent influence to them because brain takes what environment offers and children will absorb all like sponge. That’s why society and community should also recognize education given in early childhood. It’s very critical to child’s intellectual and mental development. Therefore, education program have to be provide more productive not only for the children, but so are the parents, because it’s the most efficient investment for society to create better generation begin from the early childhood education.

Catatan: Ini adalah summary sekaligus review dari salah satu essay dengan judul yang sama.


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